March, 2018 Monthly archive

‘Paik’s possibly most famous video work was produced as a gap-filler for an empty wall in his fourth show in the Galeria Bonino, New York. Shortly before the opening, he hit upon the idea of making a TV viewer out of an antique Buddha statue once purchased as an investment. The subsequent addition of a video camera meant the Buddha now watched his videotaped image on the screen opposite – past and present gaze upon each other in an encounter between Oriental deity and Western media.
During the ‘Projekt ’74’ exhibition in Cologne, Paik took the Buddha’s place in his recent creation, suggesting the implicit antithesis between transcendentalism and technology was equally present in his own personality.’


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‘On the basis of this practice of participation and lack of distinction between the artist and the public, in 1971 Filliou produced Le Territoire de la République Géniale (“The Territory of the Republic of Genius”), a conceptual action that had the sense of a utopia, presented for the first time at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. In this ideal utopian space. the public enter a de-territorialized territory, predisposed with documents and photographs, in which various boxes correspond to the different countries of the world. Interacting with this reinterpretation of geopolitics, arranged by the artist, the public was called to develop their own “genius” in the conviction, peculiar to the artist as to Fluxus, that the ignorant is privileged compared to the wise, in proportion to their innate talent and not their induced knowledge.’

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